Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I just want to start out by saying that I love the Mariners.

Went to the first interleague game tonight vs. the Houston Astros and it was fantabulous.

After much calling around adn semi-frantically trying to find people to go with me to the game, Derek, Jared, and AnJuli came with me to watch the game in the wonderful coziness of the Diamond Club. ;) I'm so very glad you guys enjoyed our 5-0 shutout of the Astros! I mean, c'mon...did you really think I'd take people who don't like baseball? Unless I was really desperate...

Here's a quick recap of the game.

So pissed that the Rocket's pitching TOMORROW and not today, but that's ok. I'll just have to rush home and watch it on TV. Man what I wouldn't give for tickets to tomorrow's game...might be the last time we get to see him pitch live...oooo...See the game live tomorrow at 7:05pm on Fox Sports Net.

Work was pretty good today, as we celebrated Jeb's birthday with a cake from Cake House in Chinatown and about 5 million people coming to do business. Busy day.

Tomorrow and Wednesday work from 1:30pm-7pm (which kinda sucks, but oh well). But luckily I have Thursday and Friday off before going back to work on the weekend.

My grandparents are here from Hong Kong for...a couple months, at least...not entirely sure how long they're gonna be here for...but somewhere around there. They'll at least be here until my cousin gets married August 7th, that I know for sure.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN!!! (Yes I know it's a little belated...but better late than never, right?!)

My dad's doing better and seems to be in less pain, so that's a good thing. But come Thursday, he'll be put in a fiberglass cast, pulling his foot into a 90 degree angle. So that's not going to be very comfortable...gotta stretch the Achilles out though! Yikes.

Too bad Smarty Jones didn't win the Triple Crown! Woulda been awesome...but hey, the owners are gonna get more than enough outta the stud fees alone...hopefully the next TC winner will be in my lifetime (that's *hopefully* a lotta years to go, so...pretty good odds on that one, I'd say). =P

Tampa Bay won the Stanley Cup and the Lakers LOST Game One. How awesome is that?! (Don't care too much about hockey, but man am I glad the Lakers lost!!) hehehe...

Alright, enough babble out of me. My throat hurts from the game (did I mention the fact that I love the Mariners and today was a wonderful game?) so I'm going to head off to bed...night all! *muah*

To those who still have finals/papers: GOOD LUCK!!


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