Monday, February 02, 2004


Eiichi and Leakhana had their baby today and we went to Valley General to go see her. She's so cute!!! 8lbs. 8 oz., 19" outta a woman who is 5'0" and a size 0. Thank God it was a c-section!

Nothing much else to report...this week is gonna be crazy. Jam packed is what it is. BLEH.

Oh well...have a good night all! *muah* was meant to be all along...and those stunts were not cheesy...they're just hot. =D

Will Turner is the caring young man from pirates of the caribbean. he will adore you till the day that he dies
You are going to Marry orlando Bloom. He will
always treat you right and is very romantic. He
will do anything for you. He is very polite and
has deep brown eyes and is very good looking
(which is another plus!). He can make anything
cheesy look really hot(like sliding down stairs
on a shield shooting arrows or wearing pointy
ears for example). Congrats!!

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (now 12 (i just added more, and still more to come!)results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla


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