Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Wishing a happy 22nd birthday to Mr. Patrick Pineda!

Not much going on right now, which is nice, though I'll be adding hours to my work schedule...what a joy...

On Saturday night as my family was carving pumpkins (I was out and about) my brother cut the pinky finger on his right hand...and severed the tendon.

So he had surgery today and will be unable to use his right hand for 8 weeks. And he's got permanent damage to his pinky and needs physical therapy. Wonderful.

Gilby's done at the end of the season (about time).

My sister dressed up as Kim Possible only she didn't have a red wig, but she looked like KP anyway! I love that cartoon...I'm glad she chose to be Kim in the "mission" outfit versus the cheerleader outfit they sell at the Disney Store.

Watched Saw and The Grudge this weekend...now I wanna watch something happy and good. Like Ray, Friday Night Lights, Alfie, The Incredibles, I Heart Huckabees, Napoleon Dynamite...

The Grudge had more scary parts, but Saw was a better movie. So I'd rent both of those...just a recommendation.

Here's a little reminder...


November 2, 2004...let your voice be heard.

Anyway, that's about it for now...more as it comes along.

Take care and be good! ;)


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