Thursday, March 20, 2003

Shitballs. Life sucks ass. :'(

Sigh...we're officially at war. Watched Bush's 48 Hour speech on Monday. Thoughts and prayers go out to the men and women in the armed services, especially those in the Middle East, as well as their family and friends. Hopefully all the major decision makers involved in the situation in Iraq will try to come to peaceful terms as quickly as possible without major casualties on either side. I'm hoping Operation Iraqi Freedom will be resolved quickly and we will finish what we started in terms of taking out Saddam and especially in terms of helping to rebuild the Iraqi infrastructure. This is nothing like Afghanistan where there really was no infrastructure to rebuild in the first place. Iraq actually has a systematic infrastructure that will be toppled when/if we win and do what we promise to do. meh...Watched Bush's speech on TV, watched the taped Saddam speech, basically watched NBC/CBS/CNN most of the day after the IPE final...bad. War is bad.

Well, my uncle's dad is at Swedish Hospital suffering from pneumonia...not a good thing. He's about 88 or so. Was in a nursing home, but now he's in the hospital. Talked to my mom about it, and she said yesterday that they were putting him on antibiotics because he wasn't responding to anyone or anything at the nursing home, or even at the hospital. So I don't know what's going today but yesterday my mom said that if he wasn't responding to anything by today, there won't be much hope for him and that he could possibly go at any time. Extremely depressing, but he's lived a good life, so if he dies, then at least he can be with his wife again. *sigh* No more depressing talk.

On a lighter note...COM final went ok, hopefully I did well...SIS was better than I thought it was gonna be. It could have been so much harder than it was, but I think I did alright. I'm shooting for a 2.0 and then the .5 from the lecture will boost it up to a 2.5, leading me to a hopeful *fingers crossed* 2.8 overall in the class. SOC tomorrow...err, 8:30am. Hope I do well. It should take about 1/2 an hour and then I will be done with finals for Winter Quarter!!!! Woohoo!!! I'm excited. Will prolly go to coffee and dinner with Kairu and something after that with Derek, Sean, and Erin after she gets off work.
Time to relax for a good week plus a few days. Sigh...I can't wait.

Hung out with Sean and Derek and Trent for awhile while Trent waited for the Webbs to come back with some...ahem...alcoholic beverages...heehee...Then proceeded to watch Trent and Jeremy get drunk tonight while Greg and Josh taped most of their drunken fun...funny...Trent seemingly has some inner "blackness" hidden inside him that comes out when he gets drunk. They were good for a few ;) Watched them play Halo, at Jeremy's insistence (of course), hung out some more, watched TV, and am back.

Alright then...that's enough talk for now...will prolly post more later since I will have free time on my hands! Happy 20th Birthday to Karina!!! I love you!


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