Friday, August 15, 2003

Wow it's been a LONG ASS TIME since I last updated...whoops...

Well, I haven't really been up to anything that exciting lately. Been hanging out with the HNA/O'Dea gang, mostly. Sunny and Alicia on occasion, too. ;) hehehe...I'm leaving for the Oregon Coast on Sunday. So I prolly won't be updating much then...granted, I haven't really been doing much of that lately anyway...hehehe. Work, watching movies, work, hanging out, working like crazy...yeah. That's about all I've been up to.

Well, I don't have a whole lot to say, because I'm retarded and my brain hasn't been functioning correctly lately. =P Alright then, that's it for now. Have a good one and take care everyone! *MUAH*


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