Saturday, October 04, 2003

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the serious lack of bad, my bad...

I still haven't gotten my Internet and TV services hooked up yet, so it might be awhile before I post again...or not...depends on how much I wanna use this here comp that's in the office...oh holy crap.

The first week of school has been good...I'm really liking my classes so far, so that's always a good sign. I'm taking:

Psychobiology of Women (PSYCH/WOMEN 357)
High Italian Renaissance Painting (ART H 461)
Intro to Macroeconomics (ECON 201)
States and Capitalism: The Origins of the Modern Global System (SIS 200)

Profs are good, TAs are good, and we don't seem to have any ridiculously stupid people in the classes...yet...although some of those people in ECON could use some help...

Uh, haven't really been doing a whole lot of interesting/exciting stuff lately. Been working all week after school (except for yesterday, which was heaven sent).

Moved into my apt on Sunday and have slowly been adding things since. Hopefully I'll get my table (complete with chairs, thanks very much), and my bookshelf this weekend...or else sometime next week. As I hope will also happen with my Internet/TV service! It's really annoying having to go to other people's apts or come here to the office to check my email. AND I have articles that are online that I have to read for Women, so it's a pain in the ass. MEH.

I still have boxes stacked against the wall of my apt, and so when Jared and Derek came over the other night to have dinner (I cooked, Jared washed...and since Derek didn't get there til later...he just stood around) we ate on the TV box and watched Band of Brothers, the most fantabulously wonderful mini-series HBO EVER created! Sigh...I love it. And when I start watching it, I just freakin' can't seem to stop's like a drug...(I'm crazy, I know).

Umm...last night went to Erin's and she made nachos. As we were eating we watched Eddie Izzard: Dressed to Kill which is freakin' hilarious! I love's prolly about the 4th time I've seen it. Played some XBox and Dreamcast, drove Jared home, and I went home, watched deleted scenes from Bridget Jones's Diary, and went to bed.

Today has been the first day in a long ass time that I can remember being able to sleep in...til 11am, that is...had to be here at work by 12pm. Granted, I walk like 2 seconds and I'm at work, but whatever...that's not the point. Yeah.

I'd just like to say that I do miss Guatemala and I hope to be able to go back next year doing the same thing...but prolly more volunteering and less sight-seeing, seeing as how I did quite a bit of that this trip! The people are great, the sights are absolutely AMAZING, food is good, things are cheap...I had tons of fun and so many memories!

I just got an email from Terry saying that Carlito/Tiny Tim, (the little boy who's surgery I watched) is doing just fine: "Jessica, little Carlos (Tiny Tim) came back to the hospital this week to check his cast and he was doing very well. He wasnt crying any more and his cast looked very good. Your first surgery case was a success!" WOOHOO!!

Oh yes, today is my niece's bday part at my aunt's house, so I'll be going there straight after work and then to Stevens to hang out with all the people there.

Anyway, that's about it for now cuz I'm sick of hearing know, transferring thoughts into words on the computer screen...whatever, you know what I mean! =P Take care, be good, have a wonderful school year, and I'll try to post more as soon as I get near a computer with Internet access! *muah*


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