Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I am so screwed...

Taking a bit of a break from studying for my 2nd Psychobiology of Women test....EEK!!!!!!!! I'm scared...oh well...what happens happens. Hopefully I'll be able to do well...shootin' for the average, here. Stupid hormones...

Tomorrow is going to be insanely busy as I do an SIS weekly paper and hopefully do my 5-6 page Psych/Women (I think I'll just call it psycho now...hahaha...or maybe I'll abbreviate it PBW...yeah...) paper on eating disorders/dieting so that I can take it to a random writing center, have it edited, and then revise it and turn it in on Friday. (It's required to have it edited at a writing center...sigh...). Then I'll be able to maybe relax a bit on Wednesday, then do my Econ written assignment due Friday and research stuff for the 1st draft of my research paper for SIS...I think that I'll be doing Chinese Immigration in America During the 1800s...

Then I have Italian Renaissance Painting midterm on Tuesday (Nov. 4), 1st draft due Wednesday (Nov. 5), not to mention another weekly paper, and that should hopefully be the last of the insaneness...is "insaneness" even a word? Prolly not... =P And that should be the end of 2 weeks of hell...well, a week and half, more like, but whatever.

This Thursday (Oct. 30th), is my sister's 7th birthday, so I'll be celebrating at home for that! Gotta go to The Disney Store and get her something...I'm thinking...Finding Nemo...hehehe...that or some more Lilo and Stitch things...sweeeeeeet. Then Halloween...uh, think I'll be with the fam trick-or-treating in my aunt's neighborhood (Mt. Baker) with the kids...Jackie and Syd, I believe...then possibly heading over to the boys', if they're doing anything...if not, no idea. And I should get back to studying. Who's up for a possible all-nighter? Umm...unfortunately, me! Meh. No more talking. Night all...good luck with midterms and all that jazz! *muah*


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