Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Well, congratulations to all for being done with finals and Autumn Quarter 2004...

Now it's time for Christmas, New Year's, bumming around, and presents!

Quick recap of the past week or two:

Carney's Annual Christmas Party (plus family portraits this year), Derek (and Tova's) Hanukkah/Chanukah Party, Sunny's 22nd, movies, shopping, hanging out, work, more shopping, gingerbread house making (mine was initially a disaster as the frosting I had was WAAAAAAY too runny -- but, crisis averted thanks to Pat and his normal frosting, and it turned out pretty well), and Karina, I did not mother wanted the gingerbread house kit to be used since it'd been lying around for awhile. Been doing a little drinking here and there, sleep...

Basketball -- at the Lakers-Sonics game Kobe's ass was right up in my face and my dad mimed pulling Kobe's shorts down. Oh it was great. Catching up on the M's winter moves -- thank you Sexson and Beltre! Football (oh Seahawks...), and yeah.

Tonight I'm going to a mini-HNA reunion party at Genordo's house with a nice white elephant gift...Sunday going to the Seahawks game...let's hope we win...

After today, I won't have to work again til next year -- January 2, 2005. Woohoo!!!

Last night we had dinner for Winter Solstice, and it was good to see the fam all together again...especially my cousin Julie, since she NEVER comes out.

My sister has gone down to visit our cousins in Portland with my aunts, uncle, and Roni til Christmas day when they'll come back for Christmas dinner at our house. I think it'll be a little weird on Christmas Day, but whatever. Man, put those three little girls (my sister and the two cousins) together and they become the triplets from hell... ;)

I'll be making some split pea soup tomorrow and I hope it tastes good. Wow, that was a random thought right there.

I hope you had a wonderful Hanukkah, hope you have a Merry Christmas, and Happy Kwanzaa!!!

Take care, be safe, and try to be happy! I know it's been a little tough to get into the Holiday Spirit for some...chin up!! *MUAH*


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