Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Mood: Sad.

Reason: M's lost tonight. (0-2) so far this season...but hey, it's just starting...and I think that this is going to be a rebuilding year anyway. Team's still feeling each other out and needs some time to coalesce and frankly...stop bobbling the ball so much. BAH. Lessons on how to hold the ball tightly and correctly so that it does not slip outta a glove and/or hand might be useful...

Anyway, school, work, eats, the usual...went to my first baseball game of the season tonight, and though we lost, it was still a good game and hopefully the season will progress nicely. I'm just ridiculously excited about the fact that I get to watch the M's play those Damn Yankees and Boston. Woohoo!!

The kid sitting in front of me spilled about half of his clam chowder on his baseball uniform at the game tonight...that was entertaining. And one of the bat boys (for the M's) runs like a prissy little girl with a stick up the ass. HILARIOUS. Got some commemorative USO coins, free programs (that are usually $4 a pop), free food/drink, and some opening day thing with a couple baseball cards inside it. Ahh the perks of buying tickets to the Diamond Club. I love it. =D And you get to park so close to the entrance of the garage (not garadge, Chunk -- I would like to state for the record that I said "garaGe" and not "garaDGe") so that you can leave quite quickly and beat the traffic home. If only I had as much money as is needed to buy seats there...I would be in baseball heaven. But alas I must kindly cajole my uncle for his tickets...hehehe...0=)

Umm...classes are going pretty well, although I'm debating whether or not I want to drop my Caravaggio class cuz the prof is just so...bland. There really isn't any other word for it. And he always pauses and umm, umm, yes, and...yeah, I think you get the picture. He's really intelligent and you know that he knows his stuff, it's just that he's pretty young and his teaching style hasn't quite developed yet. Sooo...I've got a few days to think about it.

I'm still intimidated in my IHL class, but I think everything's going to be ok in the end. And...H,M,&J is going well...I am really loving that class! (And Sunny -- Cassie still hasn't introduced herself yet...I suppose it might take awhile, huh?) Paris is good...and that's about it. I'm tired so I'm going to watch some Sex and the City on OnDemand, and then go to bed...sometime within the next couple hours, I hope.

Take care everyone! *muah*


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