Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Well, as you may or may not have noticed....I've changed the template, finally...sigh...thank God for that. The fruit was getting annoying. =P So yeah...haven't really done anything exciting as of late...did a little spring cleaning (my room looks so nice now)! Later went to The Old Spaghetti Factory with Erin, Sean, Jared, and Derek for dinner...mmm...lots of fun. Thanks to Erin for the ride and thanks to Sean for the slurpees from 7-11! You guys rock! =D Yeah, came back to the dorms, watched the M's game...heehee...kicked damn Oakland A's asses (5-3)!! I love my boys (The M's, of course!! Do you not notice the links...? ;))...and just hung out for awhile...good times.

Well, we had an interesting experience last night...around 1am or so, Sean goes to take a shower, but then comes back in with a black leather bag that he found in the study room that's right across from his and Jared's room. We figure it belongs to someone on the floor, specifically the potheads down the hall since it smells like smoke...anyway, Sean looks in the bag to see if there's any sort of ID so that we can give it back to the owner. Opens the front pocket and finds a bunch of condoms...nothing too out of the ordinary...we are in college, afterall... ;) and nothing but condoms there, so he looks in the main pocket and pulls out a checkbook...checks the name...and notices that there's more than one. Suspicious yet? We he pulls out a few more checkbooks/balance ledgers, and lo and behold...they ALL have different names form different areas of the country. The Bourne Identity much? So yeah...obviously STOLEN, and he kept it and gave it to the front desk the next day.

But that's not all...

Today in my floor bathroom, I notice that my RA Yinlan (she rocks!) has put up a big long notice. And what does it say? Get this...that the bag we (well, Sean) found last night was full of stolen items, needles, heroin, other drugs, condoms, and the like! Thank God he didn't dig any deeper in that bag than he did!! *PHEW* We''ve had warnings about some guy going around MC2 late at night between the hours of 3am-7am going into rooms with the door unlocked and stealing the residents' stuff...good times, eh? Not so much...apparently the 11th robbery happened on Sunday night and some guy chased the klepto down the hall...scary. He even seems to derive some sick pleasure from staring at people while they're sleeping (boys and girls) and going to steal their stuff.

We've got undercover cops patrolling the halls at night in addition to the uniformed UWPD who make their rounds at night. Talked to 3rd North RA Alison tonight and apparently they've got this guy's schedule or something like that down...he supposedly works from the top floor down and they basically know when he comes around. And some girls on her floor know who this guy is since they see him trying to get in at the frats (and he supposedly has a new bike each time) dubbed "Junior" by them. He's a black male, 47 years old, 5'6", approx. 150/160lbs. with a moustache, black hair, brown eyes, and consistantly wears the same blue parka with faux fur lining. And now that he's lost his heroin and money...I just hope nothing crazy goes down here in the dorms. That would definately NOT be of the good... =/ But hopefully nothing serious happens and this guy gets caught.

Oh yeah...when I went to 3rd North, Alison (the RA) had posted signs on her floor and said that an "undercover cop" had found the bag in the study room...haha...Sean's an undercover cop now, in addition to being the GUTTER and Chunk the truck driver. *LOL* =D

Anyway, that's it for now...I've gotta get some sleep before class...night all!


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