Saturday, May 01, 2004

Work hasn't been fantabulously exciting, but then again, when has it ever been that way? The pressure is mounting from school and that's not so exciting either.

While I'm grateful that I don't have any tests to speak of this quarter, but man, the papers I have to write are most certainly a pain in the buttocks.

The IHL paper is something I need to have done by tomorrow so that I can email it to the other group members and we can all put our input in and discuss how we're going to hold the presentation. So we'll see how that goes...I've got my fingers crossed.

HMJ paper is due on the 13th (rough draft, thank God) and I'm debating whether or not I want to use an old paper about Sino-Japanese relations in the postwar period or if I want to finally write the paper on the Chinese Cultural Revolution I've been wanting to do since last year...we'll see. I have a little more time to think about that one.

Mariners are really sucking it up right now and it's very disheartening. We're 8-16!!! How the hell did that happen?! I mean, it's sad to think that I'm happy for us when our record is over .300!! So disappointing. But it's ok. I still love the M's.

Last night had dinner at my aunt's house and after some Phase 10 and dessert, then proceeded to have quite a lively/heated debate/discussion about religion, God, and the like with my cousins and aunt. Man it was interesting...I hate it when people take on the Holier-than-thou attitude, and man, was Roni working that last night. Pissed/annoyed/frustrated the hell out of the rest of us. She thinks she knows everything and well, she doesn't. Oh well.

Construction at the house is still going on and it's damn noisy. They've taken out all the concrete from the driveway except for a bit surrounding the A/C, which they won't touch until absolutely necessary, thank goodness...

Minding one's p's and q's around certain people actually takes more effort/concentration than one would imagine. I've been having to do that at work when we have people from a certain religious group come by to look around, as we're starting up a new program with them.

Today's the four year anniversary of the day my dad was diagnosed with cancer, and well, here we are! I think he's officially in remission now! Woohoo!! Congratulations Daddy!

And I should get back to work/working on my paper. Have a wonderful day and get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!!


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