Saturday, April 23, 2005

Well, I suppose that things have been better since the last time I posted.

Too much information/drama at once can cause a brain overload. I maxed out and it wasn't a good time.'s been, well, school. Nothing new to report.

Although I am graduating on June 11, 2005!

The School of Art Departmental Graduation is at 9:30am (ouch) and then Commencement is at 12pm, so I'll be on campus from about 9am-5pm. *Shudder*

But it should be good. I just hope it doesn't rain or get too hot. *Knock on wood*

M's aren't doing too badly. I went to last night's game (#2 for the season) and was real disappointing. But my dad kept bringing us food and drinks from the Diamond Club (my mom, bro, Kairu, and myself were sitting section 116, row 15, seats 9-12 -- my aunt and uncle's accountant's tix -- while my aunt, uncle, sis, and dad sat in the Diamond Club). So that was a good thing, I guess. And it was Ichiro Bobblehead Night. Unfortunately, he went 0-4 on a night celebrating his record breaking 262 hits last year.

I suppose you can't always have your cake and eat it too. =P

Candace's 22nd birthday was last night and after the game I joined the group at The Baltic Room on Pine and we did a little dancing and drinking. Candace got drunk and it was fantabulous!! It was what I wanted for her birthday, seeing as how she didn't even get drunk on her 21st. Actually, I don't think that she's ever been drunk before...tipsy, yes...but

So it was great. I haven't been dancing in awhile and it was wonderful to hang out with the HNA/O'Dea gang -- even if it was only for a couple hours.

Sonics play Sacramento tonight in the first of their playoff games. GO SONICS! My aunt and uncle will be there in their regular jealous.

Hopefully the M's will be able to pull some offense out of their bats and come back swinging. Defensively we've done a pretty good job, but man. The bats have been pretty cold lately. C'mon Don Baylor! Let's get crackin'!

But it's still early in the season. I'm still hoping for .500 and so far so good.

Oh, we got a new Pope since the last time I posted. Pope Benedict XVI. I'm not so sure how I feel about the whole involuntary stints as Nazi youth and the German army, but hey. I would have liked a more liberal Pope, but he's kinda the transition guy and follows Pope John Paul II's teachings, so it makes sense. It would have been amazing to see a Latin American or African Pope though. There's always the next one. Maybe by that time we'll be ready for a non-white Pontiff. Hopefully His Holiness is good. He's already 78...he won't be Pope for too long, right? ;)

Talked to Terry about going to Central/South America for some more volunteering and I think that we've decided on Honduras and Guatemala in September. Hopefully she can get it all organized with Healing the Children. I would be a translator for the surgical teams going down (gotta brush up on that Spanish of mine) and I think that it'd be fantabulous. We might even go to the Galapagos afterwards with Grandma. That would be freakin' sweet.

While in Honduras/Guatemala I would look into some long(er) term options for the following year (2006). Working with Ana Maria in areas around Antigua such as Quetzaltenango or Alotenango, orphanages, Catholic missions...lotsa options.

My sister had her tonsils out and is doing well. I think she's trying to make up for the day she spent not really talking. She's been jabbering nonstop and it's ridiculous. Her voice is higher than it used to be, so it's just cracking me up. And she won the award for largest tonsils taken out that day out of 7 children. Good job, Jackie.

I just wish that we had more than one day of comparative silence when Jackie had her tonsils out and Josh had his wisdom teeth out...if only...

And that's about all I can think of to report right now, I'm pretty sure this post is freakin' long, so I'll stop here.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

If anyone can explain to me why the FUCK I have so much drama in my life, I would really truly appreciate it.

I swear, I attract an unnaturally exceptional amount of it in my life.

Do I have a sign on me that says "I don't have enough drama in my life...feel free to add more as you see fit?"

And, in keeping with the "Senior Year Blues," it all seems to come to a head at this point. Spring of senior year...

Something bad happens in the fall, something terrible happens in the winter, and in the spring...the proverbial shit hits the fan.

So if anyone can help me live a drama-free life or sustain a minimal amount of drama in my life, I would greatly appreciate it.

Cora has non-small cell stage 4 lung cancer and has a projected 7 months to live. I guess we'll see if she wants to continue with chemo/radiation therapy. She found out she had cancer on March 2, 2005. It's been less than 2 weeks.

I already have too much shit to deal with, and I certainly do not need to add any more. I'm about to reach my breaking point...if I haven't already hit it.

Though I'm kinda thinking that I reached my breaking point today...

Don't worry too much about me...I'm a big girl and I know when to ask for assistance.

I hope everyone's doing better than I am right now.

Sorry for all the serious/depressing posts lately.

Jackie got her tonsils out today...apparently she won the award for largest tonsils at the doc's office.

My mom's bday was yesterday. Dinner and Sonics. Too bad we can't seem to capture that 51st win to clinch it. So many people injured/out and Ray's been real cold lately...let's hope the playoffs remind us why ESPN said that they shouldn't be making preseason standings anymore.

M's are looking MUCH better this year than last. Beltre and Sexson were real good pickups. And Wilson Valdez...freakin' awesome SS...can't believe White Sox and Mets gave him up on waivers. I just wonder where Pokey Reese fits in with all this. At least we've got run support this year.

More later.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Well, the "Senior Year Blues" (as I've just named them) keep getting worse.

Now Cora, my cousin's roomie of about 7 years, has cancer.


It's taken up almost an entire lung, gotten into her bones, and has gone up to her brain.

I've been spending a lot of time in the hospital lately which, Mr. Trent, is why I haven't been in class much as of late.

She started radiation today and starts chemo tomorrow, though the Path report isn't back yet. So I guess we'll find out what type of malignant cancer, where it's from, and what kinda treatment she'll be getting tomorrow.

We're in for another long haul.

Just another one of Jessica's Public Service Reminders that cancer can happen to anyone at any time.

Don't forget to get your yearly physical checkup with your physician.

If you don't have one, get one.

Especially if you have a family history of any disease.

If you have anything questionable happening to your body, please, please, PLEASE, go to the doctor and get it checked out. It's much better to be safe than sorry.

Trust me. I know what the hell I'm talking about. I've got family history from both sides, and I go to my doctor at least once a year.

My dad, my uncle, my fraternal aunt, my fraternal grandmother, my mother had a benign lump removed from her breast, my maternal aunt, my cousin-in-law, my aunt, Casey, and now Cora -- I don't care if we're biologically related or not. It's all family to me.

I personally had a scare earlier this year when I discovered a lump on my body; thankfully, it turned out to be nothing.

Others aren't so lucky.

One minute you might think that you're in good health, and the next, your whole world can turn upside down.

It's a wake up call most people could do without, but for some, it gets the ball rolling on a previously barren medical chart. My cousin sees this as a wake up call for her to get herself checked out, especially because of the family history we have.

So girls, once you're sexually active or if you've got a family history of cervical, ovarian, breast, etc. cancer...get a pap smear. If not because it is medically sound advice, do it to establish a base line for future tests. Give yourself a weekly breast exam. If you don't know how to do it, I can show you how or get you information on how to do so. It's real easy, takes a few minutes, and can be done in the shower.

Boys, make sure everything's alright with your genitals and if you have any issues, get them checked out. And when you're 40, please, for the love of God or whatever higher being you believe in...get your PSA tested. Having my father suffer from prostate cancer, let me tell you: you need to get it done.

Don't be afraid to go to the doctor. That's what stops a lot of people from getting help. Ask for referrals of good physicians if you don't know of any and find one you're comfortable with. (One that is covered under your insurance would be a good idea, too).

If you don't want to go by yourself, have a friend or family member go with you for moral support.

And if you're a UW student, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't get checked out. You're entitled to one FREE visit to Hall Health per quarter. It's part of your tuition. Just like the IMA fee that lets you work out there free.

We have one of the best medical facilities (UW Med Center) in the country available in our backyard and there are plenty of qualified physicians to look after your needs.

Yes, I know that I may (am) preaching about the need for you to see your healthcare professional, but from my point of view...I can't stress it enough.

So remember to get check ups, see a doctor if you have any questions regarding your health or body, and remind your family and friends to do so as well.

This ends another one of my JPSRs.

My sister's got some weirdness going on with her body as she's got two tubes leading from her right kidney to her bladder. (You're only supposed to have one). She gets her tonsils out on Tuesday.

My brother gets his wisdom teeth out next Thursday, so it's gonna be a long week for all of us.

Especially since my grandpa's coming back from China on Tuesday and is staying for about a month, not to mention all the family drama that's been going on.

P.S. Sin City was really good. You should go watch it.


Saturday, April 02, 2005

R.I.P. Pope John Paul II

CNN Full Coverage

NY Times article
