Friday, September 24, 2004

Work is going to be hell this weekend.

We've got about 22 move ins and only 1/4-1/2 of the people have signed their leases. And lease signing takes about 30 mins to an hour (on average).

We're screwed. And we've only got 2 people it'll definitely be interesting.

Went to clean some stuff up at my apartment today, so I'm slowly (but surely) in the process of moving back in. Hopefully I'll be finished by the time school starts on Wednesday!

Went to the dentist and got my teeth cleaned today (oh joy!) and now they feel so's a feeling that won't last long. Although my dentist did say something funny to me today...he told me that I should have kids just to pass on my dental genes. I guess my teeth are a desirable trait...? =p

Going to I Love Sushi with my grandparents tomorrow -- I'm so excited cuz I haven't been there in so long! -- and running some various errands. Not to mention the fact that I need to help clean up the house since we're having Mid-Autumn Festival dinner at our house on's gonna be at least 20 people.

It's times like these I wish I had some super-power like the Flash or something. So then I could do everything that needed to be done in the blink of an eye...that'd be awesome. Well, that or being like Merlin in The Sword in the Stone and have inanimate objects do the work themselves.

Hung out with Candace today for the first time since she left for Cali almost 3 months was good times. Food, window shopping, Garden State -- I thoroughly enjoyed it!, chatty chat chatting, more food, and we watched Mean Girls at my house.

Saturday at 12:30pm is the UW-ND game...GO DAWGS! To those of you going to the game: have a wonderful time and cheer on the Huskies (though I don't want you to use that dumbass "U of Dub" cheer...the most retarded cheer our *gack* cheerleaders have ever implemented).

And yes. That's about it for now, I'd say.


Monday, September 20, 2004

Ah fall...a time for football (*cough* *cough*), falling leaves, school (oh crap!), the end of the baseball season (it's been a long road...a tough road...), warm sweaters, the Seahawks (oh yeah baby! 2-0!), jackets, a nice cool breeze, the Sonics (I'll trade Squatch AND the Sonics dance team for a decent center!), rain, and...the anticipation of basketball season (from the Huskies and Nate Rob, that is).

Fall has certainly come early this year. I wasn't expecting 50 some odd degree weather until October, but I guess hurricanes and changing weather systems will do that. (I know nothing about meteorology so I'm making the hurricanes bit up...I'll leave that to Jeff Renner, Steve Pool, and those folks).

The cool, crisp air is definitely a nice change of pace though. And I love me some windy days!

Have yet to pay tuition ($1,842 or $1,824 for me this year! I don't remember which at the moment), buy my books, clean my apartment, and move back though. Details.

Everyone seems to be moving into their respective places now though...good for them...not so good for me...

Candace is back from Cali which means I have my movie/hang out buddy back.

Saw Josh, Jeremy, Trent, Jeff, Tom, and Nate's new place on 56th and 11th...quite nice for what they're paying and its proximity to campus. I would live there if I needed a place for 6 people...went there after the game and Dick's on Saturday. Trent loves him some Dick's!! ;)

The game was pretty good...we lost, but it was a good game to watch nonetheless. Much better than the Fresno State game. We're off to a great start this season, huh? 0-2!! And at HOME!!! At least the Hawks are faring better. I think we've got a pretty good team this season and could go places. Hopefully.

Hung out with Peenalope and The Sean on Friday and that was good times. Chatty chat chatting and watched Bad Boys, an excellent movie -- I almost forgot how entertaining that movie is. 10 I'm-switching-identities-with-you-because-the-witness-thinks-I'm-you-and-now-your-hot-Porsche-is-jacked-up-because-we're-in-a-high-speed-chase-with-a-drug-dealer-and-we-like-the-circular-motion-shots points outta 10. Did you get that? Yes? NO? NOOOO??? How could you not?! You have to see the movie. Go on, git!! GIT, I said! ;)

Oh I know I'm a little crazy. Prolly from lack of sleep and screaming at the game yesterday. But it's all might actually be more than that, but we'll just keep that on the DL.

Umm...and yes. I think I'm going to watch some bonus features from a random DVD now. And then go to sleep. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.

Bonus points for all of you who followed this fairly incoherent blog. If you comment, maybe I'll make you some cookies. Or cake, or dinner, or a snack...that or I'll just give you a pat on the back. Pick your poison...

...Tea and cake or Death?!...uh, tea please!


Does anyone else think of "The Princess Bride" when they see this picture, or is it just me? Oh, y'all should try reading your blogs in a different language...I tried reading mine in Spanish today.


Thursday, September 09, 2004

Space...the final frontier...


So I did find those Webb boys and Trent (plus Willie) at Will Call at the Husky game on Sunday so I wasn't watching it all by my lonesome. Thank God! ;)

Game was...well...we lost. Big time. But we all stuck it out to the bitter to "W" end.

Got a nice tan out of it though...not much of a trade, but hey, I'll take what I can get.

After the game met up with the Webb parents and their respective friends in the Montlake parking lot for a bit which was fun. Then I went to Roni's house for dinner with the fam.

Had dinner, played some cards -- I "learned" (more like I got the 10 second lowdown on) how to play Bridge. Then played some Hearts, hung around for a bit more, and went home.

And since then it's been work work work work work. Isn't it just fantabulous? No, not really.

Today was a bit different as Austine picked me up after work and we were able to have dinner and a bit of coffee for a couple hours before she goes back to Hanover for her RA training, orientation, and all that good stuff at Dartmouth. It was great seeing her again and I'm so glad that we got to get together (albeit briefly) today. I haven't seen her for about a year, so it was good times.

After that I headed on over to Sean and Erin's apt to hang out and all that good stuff. Watched a lot of plastic surgery shows tonight. Strange how the new fad is plastic surgery and all that is related to it. I mean you've got shows like Nip/Tuck, Dr. 90210, I Want a Famous Face, etc. etc. etc....While interesting, I don't particularly understand how some of these people are willing to put themselves in financial debt just to pay for some cosmetic enhancement.

Granted there are situations where I believe it to be fine and agree with it, such as reconstructive surgery after an accident or if you've lost like 140 lbs and have tons of excess skin hanging off your body. Those I have no problems with. But when 15/16 year old girls are saying that they need nose jobs and boob jobs when they already look great...that's a whole 'nother story.

If you're already a C cup, I don't think that you need to push yourself to a DD. Especially if your new "enhancements" don't match your body type. And hey, I'm speaking from experience. As a woman with big breasts, they really are not all they're cracked up to be.

But that's enough on that subject.

Moving on...I've been addicted to crossword puzzles lately (thanks Nell) and can't get enough of them. It's a good way to exercise my mind and vocabulary and kill some time in the process. But I happen to do most of them at night since I sleep, go to work, come home, eat dinner, and relax for a bit. So then it kinda keeps me does the Internet. Soooo yeah.

Going to the M's games on Saturday and Sunday (so excited and I will have absolutely no problem with them losing to Boston) so that'll be wonderful. And then back to work. And then the UCLA game, and then and then and then...

Fall weather is coming out to play and school's coming right around the corner. Sneaky little devil. Bah. Plus tuition's been raised so now I'm paying about $400 more than when I first started going to the UW. Crazy. Like Harry Caray crazy. My favorite planet's the Sun...what's yours...?? I love me some SNL.

And now I'm gonna get back to the aforementioned crossword puzzle (damn you Will Shortz who edits the ones for the NY Times!!!!!).

More it comes...later...mostly sometimes...sometimes...


Saturday, September 04, 2004

Husky football starts tomorrow!!!!

I'm so excited!!

Now I just have to find those people I go to the football games with so I'm not there all by my lonesome...

Work has been ridiculously busy lately...I worked 1 and 1/2 hours overtime today. But I don't get OT that kinda sucks...ass...

School starts again soon. Looking forward to it, but not really looking forward to it at the same time.

And I'm so tired I don't know what to type anymore. That and I'm being distracted by the TV...damn invention. ;)
